Welcome to our Lilac Gardens

We hope you enjoy the pictures of our gardens and of the lilacs in our collections.

Secret Garden Lilacs

Secret Garden Lilacs
'President Lincoln' & 'Peerless Pink'

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's almost lilac time

We have been experiencing the craziest spring that I can remember. We had some really warm weather for a week in early April and then the temperature plunged into the freezer. The lilacs that had looked so promising back then have so much dead wood. I wonder if they will recover. I'm going to wait a month and see, but I have a sinking feeling that this might be permanent damage. This is the first spring that anything like this has happened in the garden. I am blaming the April weather and the fact that we had to remove thirteen very large over-mature fir trees that were threatening to come down on our roof. The wind now comes off the river, and it seems like it never stops blowing.

A few of the hyacinthafloras are just starting to open. Excel is showing some color but is not promising its usual amazing show. This is one of my favorite lilacs. It is just so spectacular and it is one of the first to bloom in the garden. It is situated in a bit more of a sheltered spot than some of the others.

Below are pictures of it in full bloom in past years. I would definitely recommend this lilac for your collection. Its hard to surpass its loveliness.