Welcome to our Lilac Gardens

We hope you enjoy the pictures of our gardens and of the lilacs in our collections.

Secret Garden Lilacs

Secret Garden Lilacs
'President Lincoln' & 'Peerless Pink'

Friday, January 15, 2010

We are having unseasonably warm weather here in the Robson Valley. It has been raining for the past three days and the soft fluffy blanket of snow protecting our precious lilacs is slowly disappearing. It will turn to a hard icy prison once the weather returns to its normal temperatures. The last few winters have had a few such worrisome weeks. We always wonder if our lilacs will suffer or indeed survive, but so far we have managed to keep them alive.

After visiting other lilac gardens and seeing what a difference a bit of fertilizer makes, this coming year we plan to do a bit of fertilizing as well as feeding them with bone meal.
We were able to salvage quite a bit of bonemeal from a highway spill about a year ago. Last summer Mamma bear and twins made short work of it, so we are left with going to the garden centre again.

2010 will be the tenth year we will be holding our annual lilac walk. It's hard to believe time has gone by so fast. We're planning something special for it, so check back later this spring.